The Characteristics Of Bridge Grab Unloader
The bridge-type grab ship unloader is an important bulk material transfer equipment in the port terminal. It is a large-scale equipment used to transport solid bulk cargo from the ship’s cabin to the bulk conveyor belt on the dock. The main reclaiming device is a grab. The grab grabs the bulk material from the ship and unloads it to the conical hopper. It is sent to the belt conveyor on the dock through the hopper outlet and then sent to the stack yard.
The large-scale bridge-type grab ship unloader has the characteristics of fast speed and high efficiency. It is suitable for unloading operations of large, medium and small port terminals or power plant terminals.
The main structure of the bridge-type grab ship unloader is that the front and rear horizontal beams are hung on the upper beams supported by the sea and land side columns. Due to the large front extension of the bridge-type grab ship unloader, it can adapt to different ship types, and the ship types range from 2,000-ton to 400,000-ton bulk carriers. Realize the transfer of bulk materials from ship to land.